On this page you will find interesting javascript projects. The aim is to share as much javascript as I can through the development of fun projects. The idea is to get things happening on the screen as soon as possible as opposed to learning a mountain of coding techniques first.
If you don't know much about all of this kind of stuff, make sure that you go through the HTML and CSS pages first. These techniques provide the building blocks for what we will be doing here.
Making stuff happen with events
One of the quickest ways to get things happening with javascript, is to get stuff happening with events. These are actions which can respond dynamically to your mouse movements. One of the ways of doing this is to program links to respond to you clicking on it. Tbis can be done using the 'onclick' attribute. You insert this into your code like this: <a href="#" onclick="showMessage()">Click me</a>. The onclick makes us of a showMessage() function to make something happen. We'll now show you how all of this works.